21st November 2013
Secretarial Report
Secretarial Report
A. Introduction:
The main objective of this
report is to brief the broader membership and all interested individuals on the
events, activities and new developments of the Port Shepstone Twinning
Association since the last AGM which took place on 26th September 2012 .
Constitution and Policies:
The time period for this
report as per our constitution is 1 April 2012 to 31 March 2013.Election is
held once in two years. During the course of the year, Johan van Der Walt, one
of the founder members was co-opted on the Board. Various policies were
developed for clear guidelines in its daily operation and future
sustainability, viz.
Cash policy
2. Administration
entire administration and accountability system in line with the funding was
developed including a filing system that is in sync with all the line items of
the project.
3. Fundraising
The voluntary work of the Association
had increased tremendously since the introduction of the Time Travel project in
2007. The Associations partnership with
OSAK and their counterpart in Sweden had applied for funding via the Olof Palme
International Centre to support this project. This funding terminated in the
year 2012. These finances were directly administered by Sweden. During the
period 2007 – 2012 the work with regard to this project was done on a voluntary
basis by members of our community.
We are fortunate that
eventually a 2011 funding application to National Lottery was a success. The Association entered into a contractual agreement with National
Lottery Trust Fund to honour the funding in terms of achievable objectives. The
work commenced in February 2013. This is a huge milestone in the history of the
Association. Other project work is still
on a volunteer basis.
individuals from Sweden have supported our “Put a Smile on Children Faces” project.
4. Office Accommodation
The Lotto funding
made it possible to rent office and storage space from Ziphakamise. This is the
first time in the history of the Association to have secured office
5. Signage and Publicity
A new letterhead has
been developed in line with the Lotto Contract. Lotto Signage is displayed at
every site when a Time Travel activity is being held.
6. Human Resources
The appropriate
positions were advertised in January 2013, and hence the appointment and
commencement of the project in February 2013.
7. Membership and
to our membership list we have 349 individual members and 36 corporate members
which comprises mainly of organizations and institutions. We actively network
with various institutions and international organizations. Membership fees have
increased from R20 to R50 for individuals and from R50 to R100 for corporate members.
Social Democratic Party of
Oskarsham Sweden
Kalmar Lans Museum (
Bridging Ages International
Global School Journey , A
SIDA Project
Global Profile
UGU District Municipality
Hibiscus Coast, Eshowe and
Umzumbe Municipalities
Bridging Ages South Africa
( G Khan- Vice Chairperson )
Bridging Ages, Western Cape
Provincial and Local museum
Department of Education
eSayidi FET College
South Coast Tourism
Various Schools and NGOs
were 6 Board meetings held during this period. Executive committee meetings
were held to address matters that required urgent attention in between board meetings.
In addition, project sub-committee meetings were also held to plan projects for
the year.
9. Spinoffs
We are pleased that both
UGU / Soderhamn and Hibiscus Coast / Oskarshamn Municipalities partnerships are
spinoffs of the Association and are independent. The Association supports these
projects upon request.
B. Projects:
1. Time
Travel and Historical Environment Education:
We are extremely humbled and grateful to
Lotto for supporting and injecting much needed funds to jumpstart the Time
Travel and Historic Environmental Education project on a wider scale. The
various communities and members have worked tirelessly over the years on a
voluntary basis due to the belief that this methodology would address many
issues that was outlined in the project proposal in terms of contributing and
enhancing education, job creation, preserving our culture, heritage and
recording the trials and tribulations of the majority whose untold stories are
unrecorded. The project embraces a multi- disciplinary approach, across all
tiers of government, involvement of various stakeholders and the local
following was achieved with guidance, support and direction by Kalmar Lans
museum viz. Ebbe Westergren and Helen Eklund.
During the
course of the year, the focus was researching and recording Gamalakhe Tin Town
history, the Betania Mission, supporting the Isivivana Time Travel and Port
Shepstone Railway Time Travel (Marburg Primary school). Little to no
information could be found in the archives or local newspapers regarding
specific local sites and stories. Oral history recording is the key in
addressing the historical gaps.
The various sub committees, schools and
individuals have contributed
information on these local sites and stories. This information was forwarded to
Kalmar Lans Museum together with other research. The scenario was developed in
local sites are:
Port Shepstone South Wharf 1905
Gamalakhe Tin Town Force Removal 1968
Court Martial Mthwalume 1906
Betania Mission 1912
Isivivane 1828
Port Shepstone Railway Station, 1973
The research of the above time travel projects
is continuously updated with additional information.
On the 7th October, a Public Time Travel, Gamalakhe Tin
Town Force Removal, 1968 had taken place with approximately 100 persons. The
participants were from Marburg Secondary, Nobamba High School, Global Profile
learners from Sweden, members of the Association and the Board. A
representative from Olof Palme International Centre, Mikael
Leyi, had also attended to assess the impact of
their funding for the past years.
The set objectives in learning about this heritage site are part of
the high school curriculum on the Land Act of 1913.
Both the above time travels appeared in the Bridging Ages
International newsletter.
Betania Mission Time Travel to 1912
This was
an excellent collaboration with - Umzumbe Time Travel sub-
committee, Umzumbe Municipality, and Kalmar Läns Museum with support from KZN
Museum Service. 150 people participated, from the local community, including 25
Ebbe and Gulshera presented the
Time Travel concept for 30 minutes at Radio Sunny South as part of the
awareness of this methodology.
This was part of the
training course. Additional participants were from Pietermaritzburg
institutions, Project Gateway with 15 grade 7 learners and Gateway Christian
9 - 10 October: Training
Eshowe, Pietermaritzburg, Umzumbe, Port
Shepstone, Gamalakhe, Nyandezulu, KZN
Museum Service, Port Shepstone Museum,
Project Gateway, Msunduzi/ Voortrekker museum, Zululand Historical Museum,
Natal Museum, Comrades Museum, Mphophomeni Museum, Department of Education/
Curriculum Advisors. Organizers: KZN Museum Service and Kalmar Läns Museum/
Bridging Ages and members of the Association. Certificates were handed to those
participants that had completed the course.
three day training, from 6th – 8th March was facilitated
by an expert from Kalmar Lans Museum, Sweden viz. Helen Eklund, (Pedagog / museum
educator in Historic Environment Education) with actively engaged members.
The next two days
were the actual implementation of two Time Travels with Educators and Learners
from the selected respected schools.
DAY 1: 6th March 2013: Training Content: Practical implementation of a TT
The planning and preparation of the lesson with the
School Educator.
School indemnity,
Selection of the grade and key questions appropriate
to the grade curriculum.
Registers on the day for accountability.
Identification of the props per number of persons
attending. Props purchased in advance and one person is placed in charge of all
props taken out, and to ensure that the same amount is returned to the
Association after a TT. Vehicle to be
packed a day in advance.
Pre planning and preparation of the site.
Preparation of catering before and after the Time
Arrangement and permission from respective
Time management - preparing the Heritage Site before
the arrival of the learners/ participants. Each activity to be well coordinated
and co facilitators to be briefed on their role in discussing the key questions
during the activity.
Time Plan developed for each TT, depending on
transport, distance etc.
Rules for a TT – i.e. if the TT in question is taking
place in the year 1912, specific measures are taken to ensure that all items
authentic during that period in question remain authentic for e.g. Plastics or
cell phones. This is not allowed during the TT activity, as once in the time
capsule, the present is unknown, thus it is important to take into account the
parking and security, as well as a trained person for First Aid assistance.
Dressing up for the TT.
Briefing before the TT.
Role cards with names of the time and role of the
period being emulated, as close to the factual information obtained from both
the research by an “expert” as well as oral history recording.
The TT initiation.
The actual activities.
Discussion of the Key questions.
Closure ceremony.
Evaluation by the facilitators and co- facilitators.
Learners to undertake evaluation in class to discuss
the subject matter.
Day 2: 7th March 2013: Training Content: Practical implementation of a TT
The actual Time Travel and Historic Environment
Education had taken place at one of our recorded site, viz. Gamalakhe Tin Town,
e.g. Force removal, Group Areas Act, in 1968.
The purpose of the next two Time Travels is twofold:
of facilitator, assistant facilitator and co facilitators.
for learners from Buhlebezwe Primary school in Gamalakhe, including
total of 33 persons participated.
Below is one example and summary of the facts
Tin Town, 1968
“South Africa moved more and
more into apartheid and race discrimination after the National Party came into
power 1948. The Group Areas Act from 1950 assigned the racial groups to
different residential and business areas. Blacks, coloured and Indians were
excluded from living in the most developed areas. They were forcibly removed if
they lived in the "wrong" area and had to settle in a township, often
far away from work and services. Non-whites also had to carry passbooks to
enter the 'white' parts of the country.
There were both non-violent
and violent protests against the segregation and lack of human rights. The
Sharpeville massacre in 1960 when 69 persons were killed in a protest march
made the ANC start an armed wing of the struggle, Umkhonto We Sizwe. ANC and
PAC were banned in 1960 and in 1962 Nelson Mandela was taken prisoner, accused
to be a terrorist. 1964 he was sent to Robben Island.
The Black Consciousness
Movement emerged in the mid-1960s, which brought more solidarity amongst black
groups and a new sense of pride.
The Freedom Charter from 1955
was made the core principles for ANC and calls for democracy, human rights,
land reform etc. It was now and then circulated underground.”
Tin Town - The impact of national laws to local site.
“In the Port Shepstone/
Margate region, a settlement for the blacks was established far away from the
coast. The township was called Gamalakhe, after a former Mavandla chief and it
was under Zulu government jurisdiction. Some of the families living in the Gamalakhe
area were moved inland to make room for the new township.
People were moved from many
places on the coast, from Masinenge at Margate, Komiti, Umbango, Marburg,
Albersville and other places, to the new township. Often they had to move from
their place at very short notice. The stuff they had was put on a truck and
taken away. The first people came to Gamalakhe in mid-1968. At that time there
was nothing, no electricity, water, toilets, services, schools, streets etc.
The people were just dropped off at the house where they were going to stay.
One of the small houses was
used as a church, for several congregations- Bantu Methodists, Church of England
and Catholics. The first school was built in 1971, before that the children had
to walk to a school in Albersville, almost 20 kilometres. The first clinic came
in the mid-1970s.
There were no jobs in
Gamalakhe. People tried to find jobs in town or at the coast, as servants,
gardeners, cooks or in the quarries. There was one transport to town in the
morning and one back in the evening. Black persons were not allowed in the
white areas. The tin houses were supposed to be temporary houses but became permanent
for most people for over 20 years.
How can we survive in
Gamalakhe – no shops, no work, no transport, no electricity, no schools, no
clinic, nothing? Can we improve the conditions?
Why are we discriminated? Can
we do anything about it?
How can we live together in
small Tin houses with people we don’t know?
What are the lessons learnt?
How is this different from today?
How to improve life today?
What are the challenges?
Practical training of a TT
Betania Mission 1912
Recording of New Time Travel Site:
Port Shepstone Railway, 1973
This project was piloted on the 23rd
March 2013. Again, it was challenging to find information in the local papers
and museum archives.
45 persons participated on 23rd March 2013 at the Port
Shepstone Railway; this included 20 grade 7 learners from Marburg Primary
school. This pilot project was successful and the key focus being
transportation in the country within the background of this Heritage site that
is being recorded.
Props and Site Development:
Props are purchased
in terms of need per specific researched Time Travel. An inventory is
maintained in the Asset register.
Procurement wherever possible, local communities and the unemployed are
supported, viz. purchases of baskets from the elderly in Mtwalume.
are weaving of our baskets. Same
baskets procured from the older persons.
Job creation:
for site construction;
for maintenance of props;
research recording;
for specific props from local communities e.g. baskets, boxes, benches.
community liaison persons as facilitators, activity leaders and extra
assistance, in Time Travels supporting the educational programme.
photographer, video recording.
co-ordination, link and leadership, etc
Lobby and Advocacy: Amafa: Amafa is the provincial heritage conservation agency for KwaZulu Natal. Amafa
was established as a statutory body in terms of the KZN Heritage Act of 1997,
replaced by the KZN Heritage Act of 2008. Formal and informal discussion had taken
place with Amafa to lobby for some of our recorded sites to be given Heritage
2. Global Profile Programme 29th April to 15th
May 2012 / 5th October – 18th October 2012
The Association co-ordinated this project
between schools in the Kalmar Region and 4 high schools, viz. Marburg
Secondary, Nobamba High School, Ingwemabala and Olwandle High school.
The theme of this project is “Sustainable Development and Migration” where delegates are required to
live with the families of learners and educators in order to experience the
normal everyday lives of South Africans, in addition to spending time at
schools and in communities, interacting with people from all walks of life. The
learners involved in the project are learners in their final year of study at
school. They have specific projects which they complete upon their return to
Sweden which may be in the form of books, films, documentaries, newsletters,
reports, art exhibitions, etcThe South African Delegation consisted of 4 learners (Jenevieve and
Theobold from Marburg Secondary and Pumla and Yandisa from Nobamba High School)
a teacher (Silvy Ragoobar) from Marburg Secondary as well as vice principal
(Judy Mkhize) from Nobamba High School. This group represented the Association
in Sweden from 29th April to 15th May 2012.
The next delegation from Sweden in October 2012 comprised of 11 female
learners and one educator, Bo Hellstrom. The delegation spent 3 nights in
Bomela, 4 nights with Gamalakhe families and 5 nights with Bomela host
The impact of such an exchange just cannot be summed up in a few
words. It has life-changing properties.
3. Global School Journey:
9 – 12 April 2012
Arising from the 2011 GSJ project, two delegates were invited to
participate with other host convenors from other countries during the month of
April 2012. Mzi Ndwlane and Joyce Majola were our delegates.
4. Put a
Smile on Children’s Faces:
Global School
2011 participant, Gunvor EK of Sweden had made a significant donation
to our Association towards constructing outdoor play equipment in one of the
host areas she had spent as part of her educational programme.
In assessing this need, our Association had selected an ECD (Manzini crèche), still in its infancy stage of development, in Nyandezulu, as identified by the funder.
As an Association, our focus over the past 7 years
has been contributing towards the needs of vulnerable children.
Gamalakhe Primary school was also a recipient of a double jungle gym
Donation: The
Association extends its heartfelt thanks to the community and Rice for Life for
supporting indigent persons. An assessment is made and donations have been
distributed to ECD centers and individuals.
C. Acknowledgement and Thanks:
The Association would like to
place on record its heartfelt gratitude to the broad membership, many
institutions and individuals in assisting the organization to achieve its
objectives. Without their help many things may not have been possible.
In conclusion, Twinning has
transformed from an international exchange empowerment project to a more
project-driven body interested in meeting the needs of our community. This is a
major transformation and we need the support of our broader membership and
community to take our projects forward. You have been there in the past and we
know you will be there in the future!!
Dudu Malinga Gulshera
Secretary Programme